Rockin Cowboy
2015-02-23 00:24:13 UTC
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This is not a question about what type toy keyboard a beginning piano student should learn on if a real piano is not an option. I am talking about professional quality keyboards in the above (to well above) $1000.00 U.S. range.

I have seen many professional keyboard players who prefer the non-weighted type keyboards over the weighted hammer acoustic piano type feel - even on their digital pianos.

I am wondering if there are practical advantages for the non weighted or semi-weighted velocity sensitive type keyboard (organ type feel) vs. the full weighted hammer style (real piano type feel).

I own both types, but seem to gravitate towards the weighted hammer action, perhaps because there was always an acoustic piano in my home growing up and I got used to playing that. But my Yamaha digital piano (with 88 weighted keys) does not have all the synth sounds that my other keyboard has.

But is it just a matter of personal preference - or are there some things that are easier to do on a non-weighted hammer keyboard?

I am considering the purchase of a keyboard that I can use for recording (in-home studio for my personal work) as well as on stage for live performance. In other words, both a work-station keyboard and a stage keyboard. More likely a synthesizer that can play piano sounds - but also all the other sounds I could use. It seems that most synthesizer's have the non-weighted style keyboard feel. There must be a reason.

If there are decided advantages for the non-weighted vs hammer action keys, I could certainly learn to like that type better.

I am NOT asking for specific recommendations for which keyboard to get. I am only trying to decide if I might be better served with a non weighted type keyboard (even though I would have to learn to like it).

一旦完全按下按鍵,觸後功能便是次要功能,您可以在其中施加壓力來控制Midi(不要將其速度與其他功能混淆)。在一個好的鍵盤上,它可以分配/路由到任何東西。 LFO,音量,截止頻率和其他瘋狂內容,等等。您需要真正觀看視頻
八 答案:
Stephen Hazel
2015-02-23 22:54:47 UTC
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What I've found is that the acoustic piano is the most expressive when played softly. We all like loud, but anything can be loud and the ear will tune loud OUT after a while. But it pays attention when things get quiet. And that's where weighted keys really help - on a digital too. If you don't have that weight, you'll get a more frequent oops-BANG during the quiet times.

But light/springy keys do have advantages. More rapid attacks, glissandos are a lot easier. And cheap/light are nice advantages if you can deal with the "hard(er) to play soft" part.

So if most of your music is loud, in a bar playin rock, light keys might be great. If you're going deep into the expressive, you probably want weighted keys so your hands can relaaax and play sooo softly.

topo Reinstate Monica
2015-02-23 01:11:20 UTC
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  • 如果您正在演奏風琴聲音,則可能希望鍵盤能像風琴一樣感覺和響應,而不是鋼琴
  • 可以進行非常淺的非加權操作,這對某些技術很有幫助(例如,我更喜歡觸發敲擊聲)
  • 製造成本更低,因此樂器也更便宜。
  • 該儀器攜帶較輕。

添加的註釋:大多數合成器除了對速度敏感外,還具有一整套方法來表達聲音,而不是對速度敏感-對於許多合成器播放器而言,它們都有一組很好的控制器來路由到表達/ CC比速度靈敏度更有價值

2015-02-23 14:38:19 UTC
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Hammer action is noisier. Of course it is dwarfed by the sounds you hear, but when you have excellent reason for playing through headphones, that reason might also make light action desirable.

Also if your main instrument is not a grand piano but a harmonium or accordion or organ, there is no point in an percussive attack, and it may detract from the fine points of articulation on those instruments.

2015-03-24 01:00:12 UTC
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我玩過兩種類型。非加權GOOD鍵盤對於非鋼琴演奏者來說非常容易演奏。如果您想要模擬真實鋼琴的力度感(力度),則錘子錘擊動作會更好。有人說,非加權或非錘擊動作是玩具。他們不是。其中一些非常好(這裡的Kawai K5000鍵盤是半配重,非錘擊,超快速的,並且具有觸後感和力度)。



2016-07-31 04:29:08 UTC
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Laurence Payne
2015-02-25 01:45:47 UTC
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加重動作更容易彈奏鋼琴。不加重可輕巧地進行演出! (我認為加權是值得的!)

2015-03-23 18:49:41 UTC
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2017-01-28 07:13:49 UTC
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我已經學習鋼琴多年了,老實說,帶有加重琴鍵的數碼鋼琴會損壞我的手指,並導致我被處方服用iprophen 3個月,使它們恢復健康,進而破壞了胃部。我有一架6英尺長的三角鋼琴以及一個輕巧的數字鍵。兩者都使我的手指零問題。當時我正從一所大學的專業人士那裡上課,他無法發現我的演奏中會導致手指受傷的任何原因。因此,我出售加權數碼鋼琴以來(四年以來)一直沒有問題,直到上週我彈奏了數字加權鍵盤鋼琴,在近20分鐘的演奏中,我感覺完全一樣。小心,讓您的身體告訴您您喜歡哪個。


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