Rockin Cowboy
2015-02-15 00:57:47 UTC
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This is a common problem and solving it will ultimately lead to a much higher success rate for beginning guitar students. So I wanted to share the information here on Music and Theory.

Many of my beginning guitar students start out on their journey with great enthusiasm. But soon, the steel strings against un-callused fingers begins to take a painful toll – ultimately leading them to decide that learning to play guitar is not so important after all!

Most beginning guitar students start with an acoustic steel string guitar. It has a narrower neck than a nylon string classical allowing untrained fingers to reach chords like G, and is lighter than an electric and requires no separate amplifier.

What can a beginning guitar student do to minimize the pain associated with practicing on their instrument - until they develop calluses?

_初學者學習吉他的學生可以做些什麼以最大程度地減少與練習樂器有關的痛苦-直到形成老繭--他們應始終牢記舊的格言:** _沒有痛苦,就沒有收穫。_**-然後痛苦就變成了積極而不是消極。
我也有一次長時間的裂孔-做同樣的事情-不在乎疼痛-想恢復體形-大量血液但是我用了這些東西-[** _ New Skin _ **](http:/ /www.newskinproducts.com)-效果不錯。上週,我在一組樂器的中間摔斷了釘子-以不正確的角度猛烈摔倒-我演奏手指風格,並且用右手用力擊打,所以在那裡我遇到了更多問題-它切入了我的右手食指頂部(我最重要的右手手指放在低音上)。現在有幾天新皮膚了。我總是隨身攜帶一些以防萬一。
NewSkin上的@Stinkfoot 10-4。我很熟保持方便的好主意。我可能是錯的,但我認為這只是另一種價格更高的包裝中的超級膠水。這就是我的理論,這就是為什麼我只使用超級膠水的原因。
我認為這與SG不同-輕鬆完成。我認為丙酮不適用於SG。我會小心-SG進入您的血液可能不是一件好事。 (再說一次,獲得New Skin也不是一件好事,但它被設計用於身體上)New Skin還具有防腐劑等,它是一種“液體繃帶”,而不僅僅是塗層。
根據[Wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/callus#English)的說法,“癒傷組織”(“ calluses”,“ callused”)是您的意思。
十七 答案:
Rockin Cowboy
2015-02-15 00:57:47 UTC
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Learning the guitar as a beginner has many inherent challenges from the very start.

For one, you are asking the new guitar student to teach their brain how to tell their fingers to contort in very strange and unnatural ways that they have never before even remotely contemplated. And the finger strength needed for many chords has not been developed yet.

On top of that you add the rather significant pain factor associated with pressing metal strings against metal frets with tender finger tips. And we haven’t even thought about the dreaded F barre chord yet.

Because of these challenges, it’s easy to understand why so many beginning guitarist, give up before they can play their first chord progression.

I would like to share a method that has kept many aspiring future guitarist from giving up on learning guitar. I think it will be valuable for anyone who is about to begin their journey, or who may have tried to learn guitar in the past, but were not willing to endure the pain.

The following advice assumes that the student will be learning on a steel string acoustic guitar.

First thing we need to do is create our own custom FINGER FRIENDLY set of strings for our acoustic steel string guitar. To do that we will need two sets of strings.

First set is a "Silk and Steel" set - such as the Martin M130 or M1400 standard gauge strings. The wound strings have a thin layer of nylon fiber that acts as a padding or cushion around the steel core – making these strings much more forgiving to play. Also, because they have less metal per string (nylon as part of the core) they tune to pitch with less tension making them easier to fret with less pressure.

Silk and SteelSilk and Steel guitar string

But we will need a second set - because even though the wound stings are padded, the unwound plain steel strings are just as brutal on tender fingers as the guitar’s original strings.

So to get the other two strings for our custom set we need the least expensive electric guitar strings in the lightest possible gauge (ultra light or super light) which will have a high e string of .008 inch diameter and a b string of .011 inch diameter. These two plain steel unwound strings are very thin compared to the .0115 and .014 inch diameter of the silk and steel string set.

You need electric strings to get the two steel strings, because acoustic strings don’t come in those ultra light gauges. The two unwound (plain steel) strings we need, are made of the same material on either acoustic or electric sets. What’s different about electric strings is the wound strings are wound in nickel so the magnetic pickups will work better with them. You do NOT want to put the wound strings from an electric set on an acoustic guitar – because the tone will not be as pleasing as wound strings made for acoustic. So unless you also have an electric guitar, give the other four strings from the electric set to someone you know who owns an electric guitar – or recycle them.

Remove the existing strings from your acoustic guitar and replace them with the four wound strings from the silk and steel set and the two very thin plain steel strings from the electric guitar set. This gives you a custom set of steel strings that will tune up with less tension and be way more comfortable and less painful to play.

On some guitars, the very thin electric plain strings may be a little too close to the frets to avoid some buzzing (because the nut slots will be bigger than the string), but don't worry about that right now - we are just learning - and a little string buzz won't be so noticeable when a beginning student is struggling just to make a note. This custom set is for temporary use, to permit less painful practice during the beginning stages of learning to play notes and form chords.

They will still have enough metal (unlike nylon strings) and require enough tension to slowly build calluses, while minimizing the pain to a tolerable level. It’s like training for a marathon and starting out running a mile per day and gradually working your way up as you build stamina and endurance.

They won’t sound as good as a regular set of strings, but trust me, a student just learning to play is happy to get any semblance of a note to ring out as they press down on those strings. So until the student is ready to perform in front of an audience, the way the strings SOUND is far less important than their ability to press them down hard enough just to make a note (other than the sound of plucking a muted string).

Soon the student will starts to build some callouses, and gain some success forming some chords and changing chords and begin to gain a sense of satisfaction with their progress and a feeling that they actually CAN learn to make music with a guitar. And - since practice is now far less painful, they are likely to progress much faster than they otherwise would – because they will spend more time practicing.

Before long the student will be ready to switch to a regular set of light acoustic strings.

Along with the advice of installing the custom set of easy to play strings, it is important to encourage moderation in practice in the beginning. Start with short 15 minute practice periods spaced out during the day, so that the skin on the fingers (and muscles) will have time to recover from the stress before any damage is done. Gradually increase these practice sessions a few minutes every few days until you can comfortably practice 30 minutes at a time.

Here is another thought. If a new guitar is to be purchased, a shorter scale acoustic guitar such as a Taylor GS Mini (Around $499 US new and $300 used) will be easier to play because the shorter strings will require less tension to tune.

Learning to play guitar is not easy. So taking as much pain out of the process is an important compromise to make in the beginning, to increase the likelihood of success in the long run.

I sincerely hope this will help many beginning guitar students get past the painful beginning to become lifelong guitar playing enthusiast. Best of luck - and don't give up! You can do it!

2015-02-17 02:34:14 UTC
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To add to these great answers, I only have one suggestion - climbers chalk

Moisture in the hands leads to blisters. Chalk alleviates moisture build up in the hands and helps to build callouses.

Some notable guitar players who use chalk before every show: Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, John Mayer, etc. Chalk is a great when you haven't played in a while and don't want to ruin your hands. Additionally, it doesn't damage the guitar/string as you can simply wipe it off of the wood with a towel.

2015-02-16 10:59:46 UTC
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實踐,實踐,實踐。 否則不會形成老繭。玩到不再忍受為止。每天都要這樣做。克服它。我保證,這最終將獲得回報。


  1. 更頻繁地彈奏小弦。請注意,它們比高音弦更粗,並且不會像您一樣尖銳地伸入手指中。因此,當您的手指開始疲倦時,根據您的演奏風格(即指彈式與彈奏式),切換到練習主要使用這些八弦琴(例如E,G,C)的低八度音階或彈奏和弦。

  2. 在練習過程中稍作休息。讓您的手指有機會停止跳動,但請盡快恢復。

  3. 不玩吉他時全天模擬疼痛。將縮略圖挖入手指尖,以模仿吉他弦。可以單手成功完成此操作,儘管要最大程度地發揮效果,您還需要偶爾用另一隻手製作垂直網格線。

  4. 最後,請勿摘掉老繭。抵制誘惑,幫助您的皮膚在老繭形成時自動“脫落”。

  5. ol>
玩了一段時間,仍然做#3 ...大聲笑。我的雙雙感到驕傲,這些雙雙現在被埋沒了,看不見了。將不得不研究登山者的粉筆東西。
Bartek Banachewicz
2015-02-18 18:31:58 UTC
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For me, what @Rob said is crucial:

stop before it hurts

If you overdo the practice before you can take it, the next day you'll be unable to play. And if you don't keep practicing regularly, you're more likely to not play the next day, and then another, and then a week after you're back at spot 0.

Practice as much as you can without discomfort, then pick up the guitar as soon as you can again. That way the callouses will build reasonably fast without the terrible discomfort.

2016-01-06 08:12:41 UTC
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Matthias Nicklisch
2016-03-30 13:08:45 UTC
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_他可以告訴您什麼對初學者有好處_ IMO“初學者的樂器”的概念是虛假的。正如您所指出的,每個人都應該演奏一種好的樂器。唯一的問題是,您可能願意花多少錢,但仍會感到自在,因為您可能會決定不想玩。通常,擁有非常好的樂器會激發初學者更好地演奏,“不辜負樂器”等。
2016-08-18 03:34:23 UTC
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  1. 將變調夾放在第二個琴格上。這是降低吉他動作的最簡單,最快捷的方法,不需要專業的設置。對於初學者來說,額外的好處是變調夾可以縮短音階,使琴格更加緊密。

  2. 為降低琴弦張力,請將調音器降低一整步。當您在第二個品格上添加變調夾時,吉他將以標準音高彈奏,但動作較小且張力較小。

  3. 使用較低張力的弦,例如Silk &鋼,或球形末端尼龍弦,甚至是超輕型電吉他弦(或Silk和電吉他弦的巧妙組合) Rockin Cowboy建議)。

  4. 儘管如果您的學生使用原聲鋼弦吉他來上第一節課可能會有些遲,但建議學生開始學習電吉他。帶放大器的可彈奏樂器比可彈奏的音響便宜,它們可以永久使用,如果學生停課,也很容易轉售。而且它們在您的手指上更輕鬆。長途旅行後,我經常只玩電視兩週,直到指尖開始變硬。

  5. ol>
Rob Button
2015-02-18 12:50:04 UTC
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Tell them:

  1. Practice 10-15 min 2x/day (they don't know a lot to play yet, and their fingers will hurt if they play more. As they learn more and their calluses develop, they can play more.
  2. Stop before it hurts
  3. Make it fun
  4. Set goals
  5. Reward yourself for reaching goals
  6. Balance "technique" and "fun"
  7. Have them record themselves & e-mail it to you
  8. (if a child) their parents shouldn't have to ask them to play, they should have to ask them to stop playing.

good luck.

我只是開始,甚至無法開始,痛苦太重了。另外,我可以用一根手指按3根琴弦,並且幾乎不可能以這樣的方式扭曲我的手指,即只用尖部按一根琴弦。 (我可以輕鬆地打籃球,我有大手)。
這是鋼弦的聲音。琴弦的最上部分相距36毫米。 https://i.imgur.com/SNrhx0N.jpg @InvalidBrainException
2015-02-18 22:35:38 UTC
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I learnt on a combination of electric guitar and nylon-string guitar.

Electric guitar : I tried very thin strings, size 08 which helped with lowering the tension of the string, so even though they're thinner, they cut into my fingers less.

Nylon string guitars : The strings are much thicker and don't hurt as much. I de-tuned it by quite a lot so that I could still bend the strings (I was learning from recordings of Mr Hendrix). This also lowered the tension, so has a double effect. It might also work on a steel string guitar.

If your students are playing acoustic steel-string guitar, I think thet's probably the most abrasive combination on the fingers as the strings are usually thicker & so quite tight. Playing a nylon string now and then would still train for the chord shapes etc but hurt less.

There's also the act of running your fingers up the string while changing chords, which can end up using the wound strings as a file on your finger. You might be able to get around this with round-wound strings, although I'm not sure whether these are available for acoustic guitars.

So in a nutshell:

  • Try de-tuning the guitar - less tension = less cutting on the fingers. Not too much though as it's easy to squeeze the strings out of tune.
  • Try lighter gauge strings
  • Try a nylon string guitar
  • If possible try round wound strings

I think others have answered wisely too, especially "stop before it hurts".

Deus Deceit
2015-02-18 22:05:25 UTC
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Here's my fifty cents...

When I started learning 8 finger tapping (both hands on the fretboard) I had to go through the pain again, so I searched on the net about tricks on how to develop callouses faster and what I found is Eric Clapton's tip on it.

He said: dip your fingers in alcohol, as it will dry out the fingers. So I tried that, within a week i had decent enough callouses, not crazy strong or anything like that, but it made it bearable for me to keep tapping that axe :)

I did it as many times a day as I felt necessary and kept playing... 3 or more.

2017-03-28 23:04:07 UTC
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我很驚訝沒有人提及 RockTips

儘管它是一種強力膠(如蒂姆·伯內特(Tim Burnett-Bassist的答案中所述),但它是用一種可以用肥皂和水沖洗掉的醫用膠配製而成的。一旦找到它,我就買了一些供朋友試用,他們給予好評如潮。


2016-07-20 07:55:06 UTC
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2016-08-18 03:51:24 UTC
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只是不了解老繭,或者他們的需要。我彈吉他和貝斯,並設置樂器演奏時不會引起老繭。我唯一的一次體驗是在大約12歲的時候,以一種可怕的動作學習聲學。我一拿到一個像樣的吉他,就把它擺好-沒有老繭。如果對這種情況有影響,我會在吉他上使用.008- .046,然後在5弦貝司上使用.120- .120。


@ToddWilcox-使用.008s令我驚訝的是什麼?如果我能承受.008s,為什麼還要驚訝呢?您最好在電子產品上使用.011 / .012。我偏愛.008s有什麼方位?
Eric O
2016-12-04 00:42:10 UTC
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問題是,許多新手吉他手因為痛苦而放棄了。 “通過力量”是一種方法,但是我對新手的建議是逐漸增強力量和老繭。沒有人喜歡痛苦,這也不應該是其他有才能的吉他手無法發揮潛能的原因。
@RockinCowboy同意。這種痛苦可能令人厭惡,以至於人們放棄了一種潛在的美好消遣。 “通過它的力量”的意思是,“接受起初會有痛苦,但要繼續努力,因為這是值得的。”您循序漸進的方法是很好的建議。沒有人建議手指流血。 :{
2017-03-29 05:04:47 UTC
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Armadillo Bill
2017-10-13 00:59:20 UTC
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Tim Burnett - Bassist
2016-08-28 20:00:08 UTC
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